
Dec 16, 2007

Its getting close....

Well, as I sit here thinking I should be in bed, I can't help but also think its nearly Christmas. Along with that, Ben will be here for his first Christmas morning here at our house.

I can't believe Christmas is next Tuesday!! This year has gone by rather fast and has been full of some many events its almost impossible to keep track of them all. But its down to 10 days. And its even less time before Ben arrives. He'll be traveling here with Gill and Mona. Ben spent the afternoon with them the other day, and was quite happy to be able to play some pool and hang out for a while. He told Amy he had a really good time and wanted to go back soon. I am hoping that we will get some snow nearby while he is here. I think that would top off our holiday together.

On a bit of a sadder note, Cat Cat appears to be a little on the sickly side. She has lost a lot of weight, and she is moving really slow. We are hoping to get her seen on Monday. I'll keep the world posted as to her condition as time moves on.

Well, on that note it is time for me to go to bed. I'm sorry this wasn't the greatest blog entry in the world, but its all I have for right now.

1 comment:

  1. Adam,
    I'm hoping to ship out my kid's partner presents today - I'm sending Ben's to your house so it will be there on Christmas for him to Open. This is the one and only time I'm going to remind you that Ben has Taylor's name again this year! (And the excuse of Rossiter Tradition in late gift giving won't cut it this time....)
    love, your favorite sister :)


You went to all the trouble to get yourself here, you might as well say something about it.

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